Saturday, October 7, 2017

Carmel Corn

I like sharing recipes with you all.  I look at this like I do with my clients.  We talk about a little of everything.  I love hearing people's favorite recipes and sharing some of my own.
We make this carmel corn all the time, to bring places, snack for movie night, or a big game.  It is so good. A bonus is that it only takes a few ingredients and a few minutes to make.

We make our popcorn in a stir crazy popcorn maker and that requires 2/3 cup kernels.  I am not sure how much popcorn that actually make. However you make your popcorn use that full batch and place it in a paper grocery bag.

Carmel corn recipe
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup karo syrup
3/4 stick butter

In a a microwave safe bowl, mix together the brown sugar, karo syrup, and butter.  Microwave for 2 mins, remove, and stir.  Put it back in the microwave for 1 min, remove, and stir again.  And once more, return to the microwave and stir.  Now remove the bowl and add 1/2 tsp baking soda to the carmel mixture. The mixture will start expanding and getting lighter in color.

Put your popcorn in a paper grocery bag and pour the carmel mixture over the popcorn.  Fold up the bag so that it can fit in your microwave.  Microwave it for 1 1/2 mins, remove and give it a good shake, to help distribute the popcorn and the carmel.  Put back in the microwave for 30 seconds, remove, and give it another shake.  Put in the microwave one more time for 30 seconds.  Once that is done pour the popcorn on to a sheet cool.  

Enjoy and Go Green!

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