Thursday, February 16, 2017

Lice, Lice, Baby

Lice! I know it is the topic that no one wants to read about because your head will be itching soon. If you have children in elementary schools or daycares, lice is something on your radar. 

While many think that lice can jump or fly, they cannot. They are spread by hats, combs, brushes or sitting close to someone with it, as they can crawl from one thing to the next.  This is a good reminder to make sure your kids know to not share such items with other kids at school.

One product that we have found and have LOVED is the FairyTales Rosemary Repel line.  It is made of Rosemary, Citronella, Tea Tree and Geranium oil.  It is hydrating and soothing for the scalp, and effective and safe for the whole family to use.

My kids shower every other day and use it each time they shower.  We also use the Rosemary Repel conditioning spray to help when we brush out hair.  Then each morning after their hair is combed and done we give it a spray of Rosemary Repel hairspray.  I even use it on son and my littlest who doesn't  have very much hair yet. I figure it doesn't hurt and so far it has helped to keep our house lice free.  

Now if you do get lice, no need to panic.  FairyTales has a Lice Good-Bye Natural treatment, along with Terminator Nit Free comb.  It is very easy to use, as you just take the treatment and throughly saturate their hair with the foam, let it sit for 15 mins and and begin combing in small sections to remove the nits.  Once you have combed through the head, wash their hair with water to remove the product. Repeat treatment as needed. Since the products are natural, you do not have to wait to repeat the process. 

We hope you all love FairyTales as much as we do! They are safe, effective, smell great, and have kept us lice free!


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